Rabu, 28 April 2010

Riba yang Dimaksud Al-Quran
Kata riba dari segi bahasa berarti "kelebihan". Sehingga bila kita hanya berhenti kepada arti "kelebihan" tersebut, logika yang dikemukakan kaum musyrik di atas cukup beralasan. Walaupun Al-Quran hanya menjawab pertanyaan mereka dengan menyatakan "Tuhan menghalalkan jual beli dan mengharamkan riba" (QS 2:275), pengharaman dan penghalalan tersebut tentunya tidak dilakukan tanpa adanya "sesuatu" yang membedakannya, dan "sesuatu" itulah yang menjadi penyebab keharamannya.

Dalam Al-Quran ditemukan kata riba terulang sebanyak delapan kali, terdapat dalam empat surat, yaitu Al-Baqarah, Ali 'Imran, Al-Nisa', dan Al-Rum. Tiga surat pertama adalah "Madaniyyah" (turun setelah Nabi hijrah ke Madinah), sedang surat Al-Rum adalah "Makiyyah" (turun sebelum beliau hijrah). Ini berarti ayat pertama yang berbicara tentang riba adalah Al-Rum ayat 39: Dan sesuatu riba (kelebihan) yang kamu berikan agar ia menambah kelebihan pads harts manusia, maka riba itu tidak menambah pads sisi Allah ...

Selanjutnya Al-Sayuthi, mengutip riwayat-riwayat Bukhari, Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Mardawaih, dan Al-Baihaqi, berpendapat bahwa ayat yang terakhir turun kepada Rasulullah saw. adalah ayat-ayat yang dalam rangkaiannya terdapat penjelasan terakhir tentang riba,167 yaitu ayat 278-281 surat Al-Baqarah: Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan tinggalkanlah sisa riba, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.

Selanjutnya Al-Zanjani,168 berdasarkan beberapa riwayat antara lain dari Ibn Al-Nadim dan kesimpulan yang dikemukakan oleh Al-Biqa'i serta orientalis Noldeke, mengemukakan bahwa surat Ali 'Imran lebih dahulu turun dari surat Al-Nisa'. Kalau kesimpulan mereka diterima, maka berarti ayat 130 surat Ali 'Imran yang secara tegas melarang memakan riba secara berlipat ganda, merupakan ayat kedua yang diterima Nabi, sedangkan ayat 161 Al-Nisa' yang mengandung kecaman atas orang-orang Yahudi yang memakan riba merupakan wahyu tahap ketiga dalam rangkaian pembicaraan Al-Quran tentang riba.

Menurut Al-Maraghi169 dan Al-Shabuni,170 tahap-tahap pembicaraan Al-Quran tentang riba sama dengan tahapan pembicaraan tentang khamr (minuman keras), yang pada tahap pertama sekadar menggambarkan adanya unsur negatif di dalamnya (Al-Rum: 39), kemudian disusul dengan isyarat tentang keharamannya (Al-Nisa': 161). Selanjutnya pada tahap ketiga, secara eksplisit, dinyatakan keharaman salah satu bentuknya (Ali 'Imran: 130), dan pada tahap terakhir, diharamkan secara total dalam berbagai bentuknya (Al-Baqarah: 278).

Dalam menetapkan tuntutan pada tahapan tersebut di atas, kedua mufassir tersebut tidak mengemukakan suatu riwayat yang mendukungnya, sementara para ulama sepakat bahwa mustahil mengetahui urutan turunnya ayat tanpa berdasarkan suatu riwayat yang shahih, dan bahwa turunnya satu surat mendahului surat yang lain tidak secara otomatis menjadikan seluruh ayat pada surat yang dinyatakan terlebih dahulu turun itu mendahului seluruh ayat dalam surat yang dinyatakan turun kemudian. Atas dasar pertimbangan tersebut, kita cenderung untuk hanya menetapkan dan membahas ayat pertama dan terakhir menyangkut riba, kemudian menjadikan kedua ayat yang tidak jelas kedudukan tahapan turunnya sebagai tahapan pertengahan.

Hal ini tidak akan banyak pengaruhnya dalam memahami pengertian atau esensi riba yang diharamkan Al-Quran, karena sebagaimana dikemukakan di atas, ayat Al-Nisa' 161 merupakan kecaman kepada orang-orang Yahudi yang melakukan praktek-praktek riba. Berbeda halnya dengan ayat 130 surat Ali 'Imran yang menggunakan redaksi larangan secara tegas terhadap orang-orang Mukmin agar tidak melakukan praktek riba secara adh'afan mudha'afah. Ayat Ali 'Imran ini, baik dijadikan ayat tahapan kedua maupun tahapan ketiga, jelas sekali mendahului turunnya ayat Al-Baqarah ayat 278, serta dalam saat yang sama turun setelah turunnya ayat Al-Rum 39.

Di sisi lain, ayat Al-Rum 39 yang merupakan ayat pertama yang berbicara tentang riba, dinilai oleh para ulama Tafsir tidak berbicara tentang riba yang diharamkan. Al-Qurthubi171 dan Ibn Al-'Arabi172 menamakan riba yang dibicarakan ayat tersebut sebagai riba halal. Sedang Ibn Katsir menamainya riba mubah.173 Mereka semua merujuk kepada sahabat Nabi, terutama Ibnu 'Abbas dan beberapa tabiin yang menafsirkan riba dalam ayat tersebut sebagai "hadiah" yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mengharapkan imbalan berlebih.

Atas dasar perbedaan arti kata riba dalam ayat Al-Rum di atas dengan kata riba pada ayat-ayat lain, Al-Zarkasyi dalam Al-Burhan174 menafsirkan sebab perbedaan penulisannya dalam mush-haf, yakni kata riba pada surat Al-Rum ditulis tanpa menggunakan huruf waw [huruf Arab], dan dalam surat-surat lainnya menggunakannya [huruf Arab]. Dari sini, Rasyid Ridha menjadikan titik tolak uraiannya tentang riba yang diharamkan dalam Al-Quran bermula dari ayat Ali' Imran 131.175

Kalau demikian, pembahasan secara singkat tentang riba yang diharamkan Al-Quran dapat dikemukakan dengan menganalisis kandungan ayat-ayat Ali 'Imran 130 dan Al-Baqarah 278, atau lebih khusus lagi dengan memahami kata-kata kunci pada ayat-ayat tersebut, yaitu (a) adh'afan mudha'afah; (b) ma baqiya mi al-riba; dan (c) fa lakum ru'usu amwalikum, la tazhlimuna wa la tuzhlamun.

Dengan memahami kata-kata kunci tersebut, diharapkan dapat ditemukan jawaban tentang riba yang diharamkan Al-Quran. Dengan kata lain, "apakah sesuatu yang menjadikan kelebihan tersebut haram".
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Rabu, 21 April 2010

Say it with flowers, that's the phrase we often heard to express something to someone.
Bungalah which always represent our feelings toward someone we loved and make it very meaningful in your life.

For some time interest classifying people according to their meaning.
Flowers can also be used by us and help us as representatives to express feelings that could not conveyed in words.

There are various types of flowers and each flower has its own meaning, for example:

Love, beauty, Chinese symbol for many children

Acacia FLOWER hidden love, sacred love, or beauty

Anyelir FLOWER (Carnation)
Pink: I will not forget you
Red: I want you, admiration
Solid Color: Yes
Striped: No, rejection
Yellow: Rejection, you disappoint me
White: pure love,, Äúgood luck, AU (when given in women), sweet and beautiful

Symbol of love, beauty, and beauty

Cattleya FLOWER

Chrysanthemum FLOWER
Red: Love
White: Honesty / Truth
Yellow: Pain love, joy, optimism

Chastity, fidelity

Pure, sweet, simple, delicate, beautiful

Pink: love, admiration, happiness;, Äúpercayalah me, AU, thank you
Red: Love, beautiful, I love you, respect, courage
Yellow: The Beginning of a new, fun, friendship (former yellow rose means infidelity, jealousy)
White: True Love, innocent
Orange: Desire, enthusiasm
Peach: Sweet, gratitude, appreciation, admiration, sympathy
Purple: The uniqueness, love at first sight
Red and White: Symbol unification
Red and Yellow: congratulations
Yellow and Orange: Spirit

Perfect Love
Red: Believe me, declaration of love
Yellow: the love that there is no hope
Two colors: beautiful eyes

Each flower with different colors can be scientifically diinterpetasikan even traditional.
1. Red: symbolizes romantic
2. Yellow: symbolizes friendship
3. White: symbolizes respect
4. Peach: symbolize a gesture of thanks
5. Pink: symbolizes award
6. Orange: flame symbolizes the spirit of
7. Purple: symbolizes love at first sight

Meanwhile, if the distinguished scientific terms, the colors are known to carry into effect the mind. So, a color can affect the enjoyment, the pressure in the body, bringing energy, or be calm.

Flowers can also be used as a treatment. For example:

1. Black: can generate energy, confidence, and enhance capabilities
2. Blue: providing peace of mind and soul. This color can also reduce high blood pressure
3. Red: is used to drive the spirit and passion plant
4. Green: gives the relaxation to the mind and body
5. Purple: create a sense of calm and peace
6. Pink: providing peace of
7. Yellow: represents the energy and spread the light

Pink : Aku tidak akan melupakanmu
Merah : Aku menginginkanmu , rasa kagum
Warna Solid : Ya
Bergaris : Tidak, penolakan
Kuning : Penolakan , kamu mengecewakanku
Putih : pure love , “good luck” (bila diberikan pada wanita) , manis dan cantik

Symbol cinta, keindahan, dan kecantikan


Merah : Cinta
Putih : Kejujuran / kebenaran
Kuning : Rasa sayang , kegembiraan , optimisme

Kesucian , kesetiaan

Suci , manis, sederhana, rapuh, cantik

Pink : Sayangku, rasa kagum , kebahagiaan; “percayalah padaku”, terimakasih
Merah : Cinta , cantik , aku cinta padamu , rasa hormat , keberanian
Kuning : Awal baru , kegembiraan , persahabatan ( dulu mawar kuning berarti ketidaksetiaan, cemburu)
Putih : Cinta Sejati, lugu
Jingga :Keinginan, antusiame
Peach : Manis, rasa terimakasih, apresiasi, kekaguman, simpati
Ungu : Keunikan , cinta pada pandangan pertama
Merah dan Putih : Simbol penyatuan
Merah dan Kuning : Ucapan selamat
Kuning dan Jingga : Semangat

Cinta yang Sempurna
Merah : percayalah padaku , deklarasi cinta
Kuning : cinta yang tidak ada harapan
Dua warna : mata yang indah

Tiap-tiap bunga dengan warna berbeda bisa diinterpetasikan secara keilmuan bahkan tradisional.
1. Merah: melambangkan romantis
2. Kuning: melambangkan persahabatan
3. Putih: melambangkan penghormatan
4. Peach: melambangkan tanda terima kasih
5. Merah muda: melambangkan penghargaan
6. Oranye: melambangkan api semangat
7. Ungu: melambangkan cinta pada pandangan pertama

Sedangkan jika dibedakan dari segi keilmuan, warna diketahui bisa membawa efek ke dalam pikiran. Jadi, sebuah warna bisa mempengaruhi kesenangan, tekanan dalam tubuh, membawa energi, atau bersifat menenangkan.

Bunga juga bisa digunakan sebagai pengobatan. Misalnya:
1. Hitam: bisa menimbulkan tenaga, percaya diri, dan meningkatkan kemampuan
2. Biru: memberikan ketenangan dalam pikiran dan jiwa. Warna ini juga bisa menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
3. Merah: digunakan untuk memacu semangat dan pembangkit gairah
4. Hijau: memberikan relaksasi pada pikiran dan tubuh
5. Ungu: menimbulkan rasa tenang dan damai
6. Merah muda: memberikan ketenangan
7. Kuning: mencerminkan energi dan menyebarkan cahaya

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What is flowers?
Flowers are modified stems and leaves. This modification caused by the resulting number of enzymes that are stimulated by a number of specific phyto ¬ hormones. The formation of flowers with tightly controlled genetically and in many types of environmental changes induced by specific, such as low temperature, duration of lighting, and water availability (see article flower formation).
Flowers nearly always symmetrical shape, which can often be used as the character of a taxon. There are two forms of interest based on the symmetry of its form: aktinomorf ("star-shaped, radial symmetry) and zigomorf (mirror symmetry). Forms aktinomorf more prevalent.
Religiosa Crateva flowering plants perfect: have stamen and pistillum.
Flowers called the perfect flower if you have the appliance male (stamens) and female tool (pistil) together in a single organ. Such interest is called a sissy or hermaphrodite flowers. An interest is said to flower in full when it has all the main sections of interest. Four main sections of interest (from outside to inside) is as follows:

• flower petals or calyx;
• Crown interest or a Corolla which is usually thin and can be colored to attract insects that help the process of pollination;
• male genitalia or androecium (from the Greek Andros oikia: home for men) form the stamens;
• female genitalia or gynoecium (from Greek gynaikos oikia: "house woman") in the form of stigma.
Female reproductive organ is the fruit or leaf at its base carpellum that there would be fruit (ovary) with one or a number of ovule (ovulum, plural ovules) which brings the female gametes) inside the embryo sac. At the end there is the stigma of the pistil or stigma to receive pollen or pollen. Pistil stalk or the stylus acts as a way for the pollen to the ovary would be.
Although the structure of interest described above as the structure of plants, which is said to "general", plant species show a great variety of modifications. This modification is used botanical to make connections between plants with one another. For example, two subclasses of flowering plants are distinguished from the number of organs of the flowers: dicotyledonous plants typically have 4 or 5 organs (or multiples of 4 or 5) while the monocot plant has three organs or multiple.
Interest Function
Biological function as a vessel of interest is union of male gametes (microspores) and female (makrospora) to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, is followed by fertilization, and continues with the formation of seeds.
Some flowers have a bright color and ecologically functioning as a decoy animal pollination helpers. Some other flowers that produce heat or special perfume, as well as to entice animals to help pollination.
Human long been captivated by the flowers, especially colorful. Flowers become one of determining the value of a plant as an ornamental plant.

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Jumat, 09 April 2010

Video camera
• professional video cameras like those used in the manufacture of television and film. Usually, this tool has some image sensors (one for each color) to enhance resolution and color gamut.
• Camcorders used by amateurs. It is a combination between the camera and VCR to create a production unit that has been integrated. They usually include a microphone and a small LCD.
Still camera
Digital still camera (English: digital still camera) is the camera used to capture still images. Usually these groups are further divided into three groups:

• compact digital camera or pocket camera: It is the most common digital camera, and easiest to use, because the function is automatic, with a small form factor and portability. Average camera of this type, in contemporary times, is also fully equipped features like the SLR or prosumer camera, and can now be used to zoom (long distance) and macro (close range).
• prosumer Digital Cameras: A middle class with a digital camera that function almost like a SLR, it is usually the shape is similar to SLR, but with lighter weight and smaller. This type of camera, the lens is not replaceable in accordance with the needs, but is equipped with fixed lenses like zoom function even further than a pocket camera (up to over 10x), macro photos, etc..
• digital SLR sensors usually have a nine times greater than the standard digital camera [citation needed], and aimed at professional photographers and serious devotee. SLR camera lens can be replaceable as necessary. Typically, manufacturers have offered a standard lens (kit lens), but different types of lenses are also sold individually, according to the needs and financial capabilities. SLR type camera was still divided from the two types, namely SLR for hobbyists, or SLR for professional usage of the course purely on the quality of the SLR camera hobby, of course, the price level is also different. For the class of their own SLR camera, according to the level of quality and price is also very diverse. Cheapest, ranging from 5-6 million, then tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of rupiah, such as Hasselblad camera brand.
• Webcam is a digital camera connected to a computer, used for video teleconferencing or other purposes. Webcams can capture a full-motion video images, and some models include microphones and zoom capabilities.

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The digital camera is a tool to create images of objects for further refracted through the lens to the CCD sensor (there is also the use sensr CMOS) and the results were recorded in digital format into digital storage media.
Because the results are stored digitally record the results of this image should be processed using digital processing is also a kind of computer or printing machine daat reading the digital storage media.
The ease of digital cameras is the result of the image that quickly know the results instantly, ease of transfer results (transfer), and editing the color, sharpness, brightness and size that can be done with relatively easier than the camera manual.

Digital camera components
Camera sensor
Camera sensor is to capture the image sensor is also known as CCD (charged coupled device) and CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) which consists of millions of pixels more.
The sensor chip form which is located directly behind the lens. The more pixels captured, the more detailed images are produced.
LCD screen
LCD screen (LCD display) is a small screen on a digital camera that is useful to see what kind of shooting that was captured by the CCD sensor. Results are shown on the LCD screen is more accurate than the results expected in conventional cameras which are often different.
LCD screen can also be helpful to see the results instantly after the photo was taken the picture, this is easier to correct the direct result of the photo to get best results.
Storage media
One very important component is the storage media. This media can be either compact flash, memory stick, and so forth. In general, the storage media has a storage capacity of a large number of images in accordance with the memory capacity owned.
Capacity images on each medium is also determined by the resolution capacity of each image produced. The higher-resolution CCD, the larger the size of the space required to store the file in storage media.
Types of digital cameras
Basically a digital camera can be categorized into two types.
1. Digital pocket camera (pocket digital camera)
2. Digital Camera SLR (Digital Single Lens Reflect (SLR) Camera)

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